Captured Memories

Friday, October 23, 2009

Another day of running ahead of me, if I'm lucky, I'll finish by one or two and be able to spend some time on the torch or sewing machine.

I'm posting some of the glass I made in the past three days. One of the flower implosions will take me 45 min. to an hour to make. I have a small Cricket torch and a small oxygen unit, if I upgrade both (about $1500) then I could do them faster. The small torch works well for me and time isn't an issue since I'm not doing any production like a factory. I chose this path so that I would not have to lug Oxygen tanks around....that did not seem like a fun thing to do.

I like to take scraps of glass or failed implosions and make free form pendants. I tend to use every little scrap I can save, so my glass lasts longer. Borosilcate glass known as "hard glass" is very expensive. A quarter pound of colored glass costs $15-35 and that only gets you 3-4 sticks, depending on how thin they draw it out. It's also my preferred glass to use because it's more forgiving, takes longer to work so it doesn't get away from you. Soft glass on the other hand can become a puddle of soup, very quickly.


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